Time to let reason back into the room

Published 9:52 am Friday, October 29, 2010

We have had eight years of a financial disaster for Minnesota with Gov. Tim Pawlenty. We have seen state debt rise to an astronomical level. We have seen elimination of local governmental aid. We have seen cuts to education, deterioration of our roads and reductions in most services. “No new taxes” has resulted in a transfer of our tax base to real estate taxes and fees on just about everything. We don’t need nor can we afford more Republican leadership.

Support Mark Dayton for governor, Tim Walz for U.S. representivive, Dan Sparks for state senator and Robin Brown for state representative.

As a past president of the Minnesota Council of State Parks and a trustee of Minnesota Parks Foundation (now Parks & Trails Council and Foundation of Minnesota), I lobbied for state parks and environmental issues during the 1980s. We knew and respected the governor’s budget, a balanced budget. We had a good and functional state government, and Gov. Rudy Perpich and the Democrats left office with a comfortable “rainy day” surplus. Eight years of a caretaker “good guy” Republican Gov. Arne Carlson was followed by an independent wrestler influenced by a taxpayers league determined to “give the taxpayers their money back.” I was in the House Office Building the day the decision was made and asked a couple of veteran lawmakers what administration and distribution of this would cost. Their response, “About one-fourth of what is there.” And so went Minnesota’s “rainy day fund”! What did you do with yours?

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We need to bring back the voice of reason and responsibility with Mark Dayton as our next governor and keep fine elected officials Tim Walz, Dan Sparks and Robin Brown. Our future and our children’s future depends on it.

Bill Bryson
