Drug amnesty day yields results

Published 9:36 am Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Area residents dropped off more than 100 pounds of unused, unwanted or expired medications Saturday during Albert Lea’s first prescription drug take-back day.

As part of a drive-through collection event, Freeborn County residents were encouraged to clean out their medicine cabinets in an effort to raise awareness of the growing trend of prescription drug abuse.

Alice Englin

For four hours, people could drive through the parking lot at the intersection of Newton Avenue and College Street, drop off their medications through the window of their automobile and then exit the parking lot — all in less than a minute.

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All medications turned in were divided into three categories: prescription pills, liquid prescriptions and over-the-counter medications.

The amount received in each category is as follows:

• Prescription pills: 86.1 pounds

• Liquid prescription medications: 15.9 pounds

• Over-the-counter medications 32.5 pounds

One hundred thirty-five cars came through.

The event was a collaborative effort between the Drug Education Task Force, Freeborn County Partners In Prevention, Albert Lea Police Department, Freeborn County Sheriff’s Office, and Freeborn County Environmental Services.

Alice Englin with Freeborn County Partners in Prevention said the event was successful because of the commitment of all of these entities.

Organizers next hope to install a permanent secured drop box in the lobby of the Freeborn County Law Enforcement Center to continue their efforts.

Albert Lea Police community service officer Mary Schroader said the medications turned in Saturday are all now in the county-city shared evidence room, taped shut with evidence tape and signed off by herself and another officer until further sorting.

Ultimately, the medication will be incinerated.