Travel Class of Albert Lea

Published 9:04 am Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Travel Class of Albert Lea met at the home of Jane Colby on Nov. 15 for the final meeting of the 2010 program year. Julie Gilbertson assisted. Ten members answered roll call. President Muriel Sargent presided. Secrertary’s report of the previous meeting was read and accepted. The treasurer’s report for the close of the year was given and accepted with the understanding that all money collected at monthly meetings for their special fund would continue to go to the Presbyterian Food Pantry. Muriel also reported on the Books For Kids project, reporting that for 2010 they received 665 books as memorials or gifts from members.

Mary Jo Volkman received 165 books for her home visitation program. Books will be given to the Salvation Army to be placed in the boxes given out for Christmas. Books are also given to the first-grade children visiting the museum in the fall.

The 2011 program year will begin with the annual prayer breakfast in March. For the 2010 year many interesting programs were presented. Many involved books, personal collections or family histories. An outstanding one was the owner and handler of the therapy dog, Jeanne Hendrickson. Member Lucille Callstrom presented a program on creating a new painting. Wini Oetjen installed the officers for 2011 at the final meeting in November.

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