Conger 4-H holds elections
Published 9:55 am Saturday, January 22, 2011

After the Hayward 4-H Club earned 2010 Large Club of the Year, elections were held for new officers. The January meeting was led by Vice President Julia Otten, Secretary Kristen Hahn and Treasurer Derek Wagner. President Ella Otten usually leads the meetings. The Adult Key Leader Shelley Pederson assisted. Plans for the Share-the-Fun were made. -- Submitted photo
The Conger 4-H Club met on Jan. 9, at the Conger Community Center. Members were reminded to pay dues and that the deadline for enrollment is Feb. 15. The group will be running the food stand at the Minnesota Spring Barrow Show on Feb. 11. Families are asked to donate a pan of bars and volunteer to help set up and serve. Share-the-Fun is Feb. 27, and the Conger Club will be participating. They also discussed planting trees for Community Pride this spring. Market Beef weigh dates were set for Jan. 15 and Feb. 5 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Freeborn County Fairgrounds. February Follies will be held from 9 a.m. to noon on Feb. 5 at the fairgrounds for members and friends from kindergarten through fifth grade. The next meeting will be on Feb. 13, and members will be ice skating with the Alden 4-H Club.