
Published 9:12 am Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Freeborn County

District Court

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Dec. 6

Omar Hernandez Sanchez (D.O.B. April 15, 1988). 214 Garfield, Albert Lea. Count 1: No seat belt. Fined $105. Count 2: No proof of insurance. Fined $175.

Koury Ryan Toomey (D.O.B. Aug. 23, 1983). 1279 Lark Ave., Maplewood, Speeding. Fined $220.

Dec. 7

Richard Alan Ferguson (D.O.B. May 14, 1991). 404 W. William St., Albert Lea. Possess pornographic work. Sentenced 30 days jail and two years supervised probation. Fined $405.

Trouper Montgomery Paulk Gilbertson (D.O.B. Aug. 1, 1989). Homeless, Albert Lea. Aug. 1, 1989). Count 1: Theft. Sentenced 58 days jail, five years supervised probation and 80 hours sentence to service. Fined $80. Count 2: Aid and abet theft (dismissed).

Benigno Barajas Hernandez (D.O.B. Jan. 27, 1966). 920 Front St. W. Lot 3, Albert Lea. Counts 1 and 2: DWI (count 1 dismissed). Sentenced 180 days jail stayed 161 days for two years and two years unsupervised probation. Fined $80.

Julia Del Angel-Martinez (D.O.B. July 1, 1967). 118 1/2 Front St. E. 1, Albert Lea. Speeding. Fined $140.

Wendi Sue Bertelson (D.O.B. Oct. 18, 1970). 203 Main St., Gordonsville. Count 1: Theft (dismissed). Count 2: Tamper with motor vehicle. Sentenced 90 days jail stayed 90 days for one year and one year supervised probation. Fined $290. Count 3: Trespass. Sentenced 90 days jail stayed 90 days for one year and one year supervised probation.

Cheri Linn Halkett (D.O.B. March 3, 1969). 603 4th Ave. N.W., Austin. Driving after revocation. Fined $280.