Does she have to give back money?

Published 8:54 am Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I wish someone could answer a question in regard to the article in the Albert Lea Tribune on Jan. 11 on Linda Tuttle? What do they mean when they say Linda’s state charges could be dropped?

Does this mean if they are dropped that she would not have to pay back the money that she allegedly took from the Humane Society?

The agony that they have had to go through to try to raise this money all over again for all the animals. This just doesn’t seem fair to me.

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One other question. How could a company that handles huge amounts of money like Albert Lea Abstract not be insured, and why would lawyers advise them to put their money any place that it wasn’t insured?

For all of us animal lovers, I hope that I have misunderstood this letter, and that they do not drop the state charges against her. Time for her to stand up and pay for what she has done to all the people of Albert Lea and the animals.

Eunice Beener

Albert Lea