Domestic Engineers
Published 9:00 am Saturday, February 19, 2011
The Domestic Engineers Extension Learning Circle met Feb. 8 in the home of Gen Montei.
Vice President Bev Diercks called the meeting to order. They read the Extension Learning Circle Creed together. Eight members were present and answered roll call by telling their favorite Valentine treat.
In the absence of two other officers the following members were substitutes: Jean McCarthy for secretary Phyllis Hamborg. In lieu of minutes for the January meeting she read the article on the Domestic Engineers that had been in the Albert Lea Tribune. The article was approved as read. Also, Darla Christianson gave the treasurer’s report in the absence of Judy Myers, treasurer.
Sunshine Lady, Carol Olson, reported Montei would take treats on Valentine’s Day to the residents of “Broadway Board and Care Living Plus.”
Diercks and Olson presented the program “Re-Imagining the Clothing We Wear,” based on the program that had been presented at the Extension Minnesota South East District Retreat in Kasson. Sustainability is defined as meeting the needs of the present generation without infringing on the needs of future generations. It is at the care of the relationship between social justice, economic needs and environmental resources.
The following are some sustainable practices relating to clothing:
1. Buy products made from recycled or organically grown fabric.
2. Buy products with no dyeing processing.
3. Select fabrics requiring cooler washing temperatures, shorter drying time and less ironing. Dry clothes outside.
4. Buy or use second hand products.
5. Buy products produced by fair wage workers.
6. Buy products that can be used longer time.
7. Buy products with environmentally friendly labeling and packaging.
Following the program lunch was served by hostess Montei.