Salem Women’s Executive Board

Published 9:10 am Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Salem Women’s Executive Board of Albert Lea met at 3:30 p.m. on Feb. 1. Deb Beighley presided at the meeting, opened by a devotion entitled “No Nobody” offered by Sharon Dilling.

Marianne DePoppe, program chairwoman, reported on the Epiphany Tea which was held at Salem on Jan. 8. Everyone enjoyed the program on the Holy Lands that was presented by Charlene and Otto Becker, who recently made that trip. The slide presentation and special comments were appreciated by the group. A brunch was served by Mary Magdalene Circle.

SPIRE was addressed and the need to find a chairman who would organize treats and serve them to the SPIRE group at their meetings at Crossroads Church the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Many have volunteered to bring treats though the group is still searching for a chairman.

Email newsletter signup

It was voted to distribute the Thank Offerings in 2011 as follows: The offering in February will be given to the Presbyterian Food Shelf, the offering in May will be given to SPIRE and the September offering will help defray costs for the Wednesday night meals for Salem confirmation class and their helpers.

The Rev. Mark Niethammer has asked the Salem women to open doors for Salem youth to become actively involved in Salem programs. Discussion and ideas mentioned were to assist with morning coffee hour, being greeters, becoming involved in stewardship of the church, helping more with meals and gatherings.

Upcoming events:

March 23: Margaret Haupt Circle will bring treats and assist with bingo at Good Samaritan Society

April 1: Quilt raffle tickets will be available for chances on quilt

April 30: Salem women’s “Spring Gathering” at 9 a.m.

Committee Reports:

The Sew ‘N Tell group met on Jan. 11 and 25. They packed 43 boxes of used clothing for Appalachia, 62 boxes for the Marie Sandvik Center and three boxes for the Veterans Affairs hospital. The Shut-in Calling Committee called on 24 shut-ins in January. The Wedding Committee has no weddings until May. The budget for 2011 was distributed by Valta Hestness and Sharon Dilling and was approved by the board. The duties of the circles were reviewed for March and April and a new 2011 yearbook was distributed. The new Salem Cookbooks are available in the church office.

Meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer. The next meeting will be held at 2:30 p.m. on March 1.