Council orders street projects

Published 8:48 am Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Albert Lea City Council on Monday ordered the improvements for two summer street projects.

The first is for the reconstruction of North Lincoln Avenue, including the replacement of watermain, sanitary sewer and curb and gutter, along with the replacement of existing gravel surface with a bituminous roadway.

Estimated costs are about $131,000, with about 46 percent being assessed to adjacent property owners, 19 percent coming from the city’s sanitary sewer fund, 19 percent coming from the city’s water fund and 16 percent coming from the city’s general fund.

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The second project includes resurfacing the downtown alleys between Washington Avenue and Broadway Avenue from College Street to Water Street.

Estimated costs are about $150,000 with $116,000 being assessed and the remainder being city costs.

A public hearing will be May 9 for both projects.

In other action, the council:

• Terminated the agreement for financial services with Austin.

The Albert Lea and Austin City Council members entered into an agreement at the end of February to share Austin Finance Director Tom Dankert.

Both cities have since decided the arrangement is not practical.

Third Ward Councilor Ellen Kehr thanked the city of Austin for agreeing to try out the arrangement, though it did not work out.

Albert Lea Mayor Vern Rasmussen said he thought the former arrangement in Austin would be the “beginning of many partnerships.”

• Approved the installation of 25 “Share the Road” signs, funded by the Statewide Health improvement Program, for the route of Fountain Lake.

The goal of the signs is to raise awareness of bicyclists riding around the lake.

• Accepted a Federal Emergency Management Agency assistance grant awarded to the Albert Lea Fire Department for $51,315 to purchase various equipment and supplies to deal with hazardous materials.

The grant was sought out by Albert Lea firefighter Brett Boss.

The city’s match is $2,700.

Several council members thanked Boss for his innovation and forward-thinking for applying for the grant.

• Extended the term of the city’s cable franchise with Charter Communications as negotiations are continuing. The vote extended the agreement by six months.

• Approved an administrative survey for properties along Cato Drive and Hawthorne Street.

• Approved a request to block off Garfield Avenue from Fairlane Terrace to Hawthorne Street from 4 to 8 p.m. May 19, for Thorne Crest Retirement Community’s annual car show.

• Approved a request by the Old Car Co. to hold car cruises in the North Broadway Avenue parking lot and Albert Lea Medical Center parking lot on June 4, July 4, July 9 and Sept. 3 from 4 to 10 p.m.

• Voted to block off Echo Street to the back half of East Plaza Street for the Battle of the Bands event June 12. The event is being hosted by the United Way and Bergdale Harley-Davidson and will begin at 11 a.m.

• Approved a request from the Jaycees to place a sand pile at 804 E. Main St., the site of the former Mexico Lindo building, for a filling of sandboxes fundraiser on April 30.

• Approved a request to place a unit at the North Broadway Avenue parking lot every other Tuesday for the Homeless Veterans in Rural Areas program.

• Approved various requests for the Fountain Lake 5, Tiger Trot and Land Between the Lakes Triathlon.