Relationships take preparation and work
Published 9:40 am Friday, April 1, 2011
Across the Pastor’s Desk
By the Rev. Todd Walsh, Grace Lutheran Church, Albert Lea
I’m ready to mow lawn. Well, my lawn mower is not ready. It needs a little work right now. But I’m ready. I can’t wait to start that little machine and make my yard look good. It sounds like fun to me.
I realize that some of us like winter. And we Minnesotans have found many ways to enjoy winter. And I must admit that I’m one of those strange people who likes to shovel snow. I don’t know why. But I like to shovel snow. I’ve lived in Albert Lea 11 years and used my snow blower one winter out of those 11. And this winter, one of the snowiest on record, I gave away my snow blower. Thankfully I’m blessed with neighbors who like their snow blowers and helped me out with some of the big snowfalls.
So how many of you are ready to mow lawn?
But something else happens with my enjoyment of lawn mowing. The fun fades by fall. I’m almost hoping for cold weather to kill the grass and end the drudgery. But some of the nicest weather for working outside is in the fall. It’s cooler and drier. It’s great weather. But by then I’m a little tired of mowing lawn.
So by now you are wondering if you are on the lawn care page instead of the religion page. Here comes the religion.
Have you noticed that many of our relationships start out with enthusiasm and then fade? It can be a personal relationship. It can be our relationship with a job, a sport or even a church. It can even be our relationship with God.
So is there help for us here? I’m going back to the lawn care page.
I prep my lawn mower before every use. I gas it, check the oil, take a look at the blade and sharpen it by hand every now and then. Sometimes my prep doesn’t work very well. Last year’s first pull on the handle resulted in many pulls. I finally thought I won and the machine started for a second, then went boom and shot flames out the muffler. Into the shop. Preparation is important but sometimes I need a little help.
I also mow in a different direction each time I mow lawn. Sometimes I forget what direction I mowed and have to look carefully to see how I mowed the last time. The reason is that if I mow my little lawn the same way certain parts of the yard get ruts from the lawn mower wheels. Mowing a different direction each time reduces the ruts.
Back to the religion page. We get into ruts, spiritual and personal. And sometimes the best effort and preparation doesn’t work. We might need to take a look at what we are doing. We might need to make a change in direction. We might need to get help.
I need to stop here and be more serious and clear in my words. Ending a relationship is a very serious matter. Every effort should be made to save a relationship and return it to health. However, a relationship that includes any kind of abuse should not be tolerated. Either the relationship should end or the abuse should end. Another serious matter is ending membership in a church. Membership in churches involves important relationships and a relationship with a church should be ended only after prayerful and careful consideration and every effort to restore the relationship. A relationship with a church is best ended when there is reconciliation and a new start can be a new start and not the same old unresolved issues.
Let me go back to my story line.
Have you noticed how important it is to spice up relationships? Vacations give us a break from work and energize us for more. Quiet time gets us ready for the noise of the coming day or reflection on the day past. One of the first commandments we are given in the Bible is the command to take a break on the seventh day. Dessert is always a good ending even with the best meal! And, yes, we have a new diversion that starts today: Major League Baseball!
Preparation and nurture are important parts of our life of faith. Being part of a church is more than having your name on mailing list. It is even more than going to worship. It is a relationship with God and God’s people. It is participation in a community and a life. It is the realization that sometimes a change of direction, trying something new, going beyond your comfort zone, can bring growth and new life. And it is realizing that all of us are like my lawn mower; sometimes it doesn’t work or just blows up and needs attention.
So get those lawn mowers ready. Enjoy the new life. And when you get bored with the lawn mowing, remember there is a change of pace coming. Snow shoveling!
And more important, let’s get our lives of faith ready and enjoy the life. And when we even get bored with our lives of faith, remember there is another change of pace coming every day. It is the new life and gifts that God gives in each one of us.
The Lord be with you!