Tigers trot despite cold
Published 9:02 am Thursday, May 19, 2011

A group of girls run in the fifth annual Tiger Trot held on the morning of April 16. While 271 people signed up to run, many didn’t make it because of cold weather. -- Submitted photo
Southwest Middle School in Albert Lea hosted their fifth annual Tiger Trot on April 16.
Two hundred and seventy-one participants registered but the cooler weather and light snow on the ground kept many from showing up. Those who did participate really had a nice 5k run and walk, and kept warm while out on the course.
Students from Southwest collected pledges, which added to the registrations and donations that help out with many activities during the school year. The money helps fund assemblies, transportation to exploratory activities and any needs students may have.
There were competitions among the advisories to be first in the lunch line for the number of registrants, or amount of money raised per advisory. Students can individually win lunch out with a friend for raising the most pledge money per grade. They can also be the first to sign up with a friend for the last exploratory of the year. Those students who had more than a certain amount in pledge money will be able to have a pizza/movie/popcorn party.
All those who registered to run will be invited to a yearbook signing party near the end of school. The largest prizes donated by the Family Y are free memberships for one year for the top money raiser in each grade fifth through eighth.
It took a lot of planning for the Tiger Trot starting usually in October, and teachers on the committee put in a lot of time. The teachers want to thank the community for supporting them and for everyone who came out on April 16.