Published 9:05 am Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Blue Earth River Conference Women of the WELCA had their Spring Event April 9 at The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Wells, with the assistance of Mansfield Lutheran Church, Alden. There were 60 guests including BERC members, SE MN Synodical board members, a pastor and speakers.

The day began at 8:30 a.m. with registration, coffee and fellowship. At 9 a.m. Convener Jan Jerdee called the meeting to order. A devotion was led by the Rev. Kathy Fullarton with a welcome by Patsy Beckman and a history of the church. Song leader was Rebekah Sousa and pianist Jean Carlson.

Temple talks were presented by John Kipp representing Good Earth Village, Joyce Atchinson talking of Christ Through Hands Ministry.

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The program “Our Lives are in God’s Hands” was presented by Ardys Peterson Bloom of Fairmont.

Esther Ziemer lead in dedication of Prayer Cups.

Triennial WELCA Gathering in Spokane, Wash., information was presented by Kay Hodge.

Offering meditation was given by Minnie Dunbar with offering was divided between Women of the ELCA Church Wide, Good Earth Village and Christ Through Hands Ministry.

Installation of new officers and recognition of the officers was conducted by Janet Peterson and Donna Peterson.

2011-12 board members:

Convener: Jan Jerdee

Secretary: Andrea Goskreutz

Publicity: Esther Ziemer

Member at Large: Carol Purdy

Member at Large: Genie Hanson

Synod Nomitating Committee: Minnie Dunbar

Nominating committee: Minnie Dunbar, Lois Anderson and Margaret B. Larson.