Editorial: You know you are from A.L. if …
Published 8:41 am Wednesday, August 3, 2011
There is a new Facebook page — created by Tribune Publisher Scott Schmeltzer — called “You know you are from Albert Lea if …” Many present and former Albert Leans have posted their thoughts.
We shared some of the responses Tuesday. Today, we share with you some more of their responses:
“Anyone ever play pool at the Name of the Game and if ya rested your pool stick on the floor and your hand slipped off the shaft, the stick ended up in the basement.” — Dar Engelby
“You were born at the original Naeve Hospital.” — Julie Peterson Morreim
“Club 16 … need I say more?” — Dennis Schmidt
“You shopped at Herberger’s downtown.” — Jena Soto-Beiser
“The Stables? Anyone?” — Ronnie Van Iperen
In response to Ronnie: “You brought your own booze and if you had any left over and were ‘a member’ they would keep it behind the bar with your name on it for the next time.” — Sharon Fitzsimmons
“Our friend Jay Gilbert came to school with long hair. I think it maybe touched his shirt collar and he got sent home to get it cut. He came back with a cut and principal said not short enough, so principal sent him back for another cut. Jay left and returned with his head buzzed to the skin and then he got expelled for being a smart aleck.” — Dennis Djthedj Jerome
“Anyone remember going swimming at the high school pool in the summer because that was the public pool before they built the current pool?” — Dawn Ingvaldson
“You remember the all-school ‘walk-out’ where everyone was sitting in the middle of Clark Street and refused to go back to class!” — Theresa ‘Neitzel’ Carlson
“Orange push-ups (ice cream, not lingerie) at The Little Store.” — Karin Winegar
“Your first job was at a truck stop named Trail’s Cafe.” — Vicky Andersen
“You know you are from Albert Lea and can always find your way home because Albert Lea is on every road sign within 300 miles.” — Kelly Anderson
“If you ever got stopped by Don Richter racing to Hardee’s on your lunch break from the high school. Adams to Euclid to Front to Madison to Seventh and a quick burger.” — David Miller
In response to David: “He used to try and ticket me all the time for waiting by the doors on Water Street. I was in my car, and he told me I was in a non-parking zone. I kept telling him that I wasn’t parked, that I was just idling. That didn’t work!” — Valerie Taylor
“BMX track at Edgewater.” — Chris Cords
“Wallace’s across from St. Paul’s Clothiers, Bisgaard’s Shoes & Skinners. That’s when you shopped downtown.” — Kitty Cleveland
“If you had friends named David, Ryan and Darin and pretended you were KISS!” — Jeffrey Elmer
“You did jumping jacks to the ‘Chicken Fat’ song in the basement gym at Northside School.” — Tom Murray