Zare Zapadu

Published 9:15 am Saturday, September 17, 2011

Western Fraternal Life Association Lodge Zare Zapadu No. 44 met on Sept. 6 at the Brick Hall for a potluck supper followed by their meeting.

President Jim Benesh opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence in memory of Irene Benesh and Eugene Flusek who recently passed away.

Secretary Marie Krikava took roll call with a perfect attendance of all offices. She read the secretary’s minutes which were approved as read.

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Treasurer Jim Becker read the treasurer’s report which was approved subject to audit.

WFLA held its 27th National Convention Aug. 24-26 in Frankenmuth, Mich. Marcella Nelson, Roger Rayman and Marie Krikava were the delegates from Lodge No. 44. There were 235 delegates registered from 16 states. Duane Jirik, of New Prague, was re-elected as director for Minnesota District 4. Howard (Jim) Wolfe was re-elected as president of the organization. The organization gives out 25 national scholarships each year and two foundation scholarships and some states give out scholarships also, Minnesota being one of them. The 28th National Convention will be held in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, in 2015.

WFLA agent, Beth Atz, was present. She gave a folding canvas chair for a door prize which was won by Richard Cherney.

The annual pancake breakfast and bake sale benefit will be held on Nov. 6 at the Glenville Legion, serving 6 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. — hunters are welcome! There will be kolache until gone. Put this on your calendar, and the group hopes to see you there.

Following adjournment of the meeting, the group played Dirty Dice.