Minn. Chamber wrong on MPCA
Published 1:35 pm Saturday, October 22, 2011
A recent column in this newspaper from the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce took aim at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for “rejecting incoming permit applications” to avoid meeting a new 150-day goal to issue permits. It’s an interesting claim but lacks the facts. The fact is we accept and approve the vast majority of permit applications.
We’re glad to be working with Minnesota businesses and others to improve our permit processing. We’ve modified and improved our processes, and we’re already seeing results. Since the 150-day target passed this spring, the MPCA has received 1268 applications for the construction or expansion of various facilities around the state. We’ve issued more than 91 percent of these permits within 150 days, and many permits were issued in far less time. These construction permits are the kinds of projects that directly impact jobs and growth in Minnesota. As for the 9 percent that didn’t meet the goal, those are large and complex projects, often with significant public interest that take time to ensure a sound decision is made.
We share the Minnesota Chamber’s enthusiasm for making the Minnesota permitting process competitive with other states and in the world economy. MPCA is committed to the 150-day goal and will need the communities, businesses and individuals we regulate to get us the high quality and timely information needed to make the target a reality for all permits.
Working together, we are showing that timely permits, job growth and a clean environment can happen all at once in Minnesota.
Paul Aasen
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
St. Paul