St. John’s Auxiliary
Published 7:41 am Friday, December 30, 2011
St. John’s Auxiliary met at 2 p.m. Nov. 21 in St. John’s Chapel. President Carol Rask welcomed everyone and gave devotions.
Becky Nordland, on piano, led the group in singing “Now Thank We All Our God” and “Praise and Thanksgiving.”
Auxiliary secretary Bonnie Schneider read the minutes of the October meeting. Treasurer Lorraine Schaper gave the treasurer’s report. Reports were approved as given.
Nominating Committee member Jayne Williamschen gave the list of 2012 officers: President Carol Rask, Vice President Caroline Sorenson, Secretary Bonnie Schneider, Treasurer Lorraine Schaper and all other committee members.
Volunteer Coordinator Carla Reichel reported 964 volunteer hours for October. Day Care had 48 hours, two You & Me Clubs, one Sing Along and one Haunted House and parade. Carla also reported on events for December.
The St. John’s residents voted not to receive gifts this year but to shop for the Salvation Army Drive. The Auxiliary gave $1,200 and $1,100 was raised at a soup luncheon on Nov. 11. On Dec. 5 the remainder of the money not spent on toys will be given in a check to the Salvation Army for the Food Shelf.
Vice President Caroline Sorenson read the names of residents celebrating November birthdays:
Fern Cameron, Kathryn Alien, Georgia Nyenhius, Alien View, Mabel Perleberg, Shirley Felt, Betty Hinders, Fern Baer, Genevieve Rye, Paul Gold, Isabel Loken, James Cameron, Bruce Lang, Harriet Broskoff, Patrick Deml, Wauneita Brindel, Walter Steven and Betty Jean Tasker. The Birthday Song was sung.
The churches that were thanked for serving Sunday coffee were Bear Lake Lutheran, Grace Lutheran and Mansfield Lutheran.
The program was provided by Ascension Lutheran. Mary Wayne sang a song called “Blessings,” Gail Thurneau played on piano “We Gather Together,” Kristin Sandager played the harp. Chuck Sandager played French carols on the organ, Jayne Williamschen told a few Lutheran jokes and sang “All the Way My Savior Leads Me.” They closed with all singing “We Gather Together” with Mary Wayne on flute.
Refreshments were provided by 2nd South (pumpkin pie dessert bars) and St. John’s Dietary Department.
The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.