ALHS Family financial aid night to be held Monday

Published 9:16 am Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Albert Lea High School will be holding its annual ALHS Family Financial Aid Night at 6:30 p.m. Monday in the Albert Lea High School auditorium.

The guest speaker will be Judy Robeck, director of financial aid, from Riverland Community College. She will review the philosophy of financial aid, the steps to apply/complete the FAFSA and why you need to. Information and materials will be available.

The FAFSA determines the student’s eligibility for all Federal and State (Minnesota colleges) Financial Aid based on need.

Email newsletter signup

Parents and students of ALHS seniors and juniors this is your opportunity to get your financial aid questions answered by an expert in the field of post-secondary financial aid. Students and families from all area high schools are welcome. There is no cost to attend. For more information call 379-4850.