Ascension Lutheran Church Women

Published 9:15 am Saturday, March 31, 2012


The Ascension Lutheran Church Women of ELCA held its monthly meeting at 9:30 a.m. March 11. Co-President, Doris Guenthner called the meeting to order and led devotions centered around the poem “The Dash.” Asking to think how you spend your dash? Reading from Ecclesiastes 3: 1.

Secretary’s report was given by Lorraine Schaper and was approved as printed in the March newsletter. Caroline Sorenson gave the following information in absent of treasurer, Cheryl Venem. Sorenson reported that a dozen grief books have been ordered and greeting cards have been ordered to replenish supply. Also that a dozen new serving trays were purchased.

Email newsletter signup

Guenthner presented information on the outreach program at the Lutheran Church Ministry-Crossroads at Mankato Campus.

Mission in Action, Chair, Ruth Furland reported that they are working on graduation quilts and that several quilts had been given to Salvation Army.

Mission in Growth Chairwoman Joan Anderson gave her report.

Prayer coordinator, Elaine Struck, reminded everyone that people be aware that they must call her or the church office to request and make known their needs and concerns to be added for prayer.

Alice Jensen reported on the Celebration of Pioneer Members. The date has been set for May 16 starting at 11:30 a.m. This is a special program for all women of the church. Special program will be given by Jan Jerdee, and there will be special music by Mary Wayne. Anyone needing transportation, please make contact with another member.

Sample of coffee server was shown to the group. New coffee servers will be purchased.

Jane Samuelson volunteered to attend the class for food safety guidelines and will work with serving committees.

The Blue Earth River Conference will be held at Ascension being co-hosted with Concordia Pickeral Lake Church Women. The meeting is starts at 8:30 a.m. with a program at 9 a.m. on April 14. It will conclude at 11:30 a.m.

Sorenson will give the church history for Ascension WELCA. Coffee will be served prior to the program. Theme is “Together Through Christ.”

Thank yous were read from Paul Madson and Georgia Wentzel.

Announcements to remember given by Guenthner: Hannah Circle, with Denise Sandager, chairwoman, will present the Cheer Program at St. John’s Lutheran Home on March 14. There will be no meeting for the month of April, and the Blue Earth River Conference will count as the April meeting. Members were reminded to attend this on April 14. Registration is $5.

For the month of May, being Mother’s Day is the second Sunday, there will be no regular meeting.

Instead the Senior Celebration will be held May 16 with dinner at 11:30 a.m. for everyone to attend as the May meeting.

The group’s next regular meeting will be Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. on June 10.