Attempted murder suspect testifies in own defense in Fargo

Published 7:56 am Sunday, March 18, 2012


FARGO, N.D. — A Minnesota man on trial for allegedly shooting a man outside a North Dakota movie theater said the man ambushed him with a gun.

Forty-five-year-old Felipe Estrada of Dilworth is charged with attempted murder in the Fargo shooting last summer of Juan Garza. Estrada testified in his own defense on Thursday, saying that Garza threatened him multiple times after Estrada began dating Garza’s ex-wife.

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Prosecutors said Estrada fired seven bullets into Garza and pistol-whipped another man who came to Garza’s aid outside the theater. Estrada also is charged with aggravated assault and reckless endangerment.

Prosecutor Gary Euren on Thursday pointed out that no witnesses in the case said Garza had a gun.