Sheriff issues suspension of burn permits
Published 3:59 pm Friday, March 16, 2012
Because of unseasonably warm weather and dry conditions, Freeborn County Sheriff Bob Kindler on Friday suspended the issuance and use of all burn permits in the county.
The suspension goes through 7 a.m. Monday.
Kindler said people who wish to grill or have a recreational fire as defined by law are still allowed to have them.
The suspension applies only to those fires that are larger than recreational fires and for which a permit is required.
Any person wishing to burn by permit must, by law, notify law enforcement of their intentions. Those people who contact the Law Enforcement Center this weekend will be told that all burning by permit has been suspended.
People who choose to burn after being advised not to, or those who burn without a permit, are in violation of Minnesota’s open burning laws and are subject to citation and prosecution.
It is anticipated the burning suspension will be lifted when cooler temperatures and moisture return to the area, possibly as early as the beginning of next week.