Freeborn County to participate in National Drug Take Back Day
Published 9:32 am Thursday, April 26, 2012
Several agencies in Freeborn County are coming together this weekend to help people safely dispose of their expired or unused prescription drugs.
During what is called National Drug Take Back Day, residents can go to the Freeborn County Fairgrounds from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. with their medications.
For safety, people are encouraged to stay in their cars and then drive up to a worker wearing an orange vest and drop off the unused or expired drugs.
People are encouraged to leave the prescription drugs in their original containers. No syringes or needles will be accepted.
Alice Englin with Freeborn County Partners in Prevention said 70 percent of youth who misuse prescription drugs say they get them from family and friends.
And she said numbers show that prescription drug abuse by youth is on the rise.
“A lot of youth have the misconception that it’s OK to take them because a doctor prescribed them,” Englin said.
She did not have information about prescription drug abuse by adults.
She said during the last drug take back day in November 2010, officials collected about 86 pounds of prescription medication, 16 pounds of liquid prescription medication and about 33 pounds of over-the-counter medications.
The event is coordinated by the Freeborn County Sheriff’s Office, Albert Lea Police Department, Freeborn County Environmental Services Department, Freeborn County United Way and Freeborn County Partners in Prevention.
If people are unable to drop their unused prescription drugs off on Saturday, Englin wanted to remind them of the drug drop box in the Law Enforcement Center. There is access to the box 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
In 2011, more than 200 pounds of prescription drugs were collected in the drug drop box, she said.
People should not flush or throw away old or unused prescriptions. The prescriptions will eventually make their way into the water system, she said.
For more information, people can contact Englin at 377-5504.