Dayton turned on the Republicans
Published 6:32 am Sunday, May 20, 2012
The Republicans reach a hand across the aisle, and Gov. Mark Dayton bites it. They work with the governor to get his stadium bill passed by stepping back and letting the bill get a straight up or down vote and it passed. The governor then vetoes the tax bill that had the same straight up or down vote. The governor pushed for a stadium plan that may leave the taxpayers in outstate Minnesota on the hook if untried electronic pull tabs do not generate enough money to fund the stadium.
The governor sidestepped the Minneapolis legislators and people who thought a referendum was required to use city funds to help build the stadium. The governor backed away from his friends in the Indian tribes by expanding gambling to every town in Minnesota. Today Gov. Dayton and his Democratic cronies are making a victory lap around the state to celebrate what he did?
John Forman
Albert Lea