Letter describes convention poorly

Published 8:58 am Monday, May 21, 2012


Betty Quiring’s letter, “Quist displayed poor behavior,” on May 2, 2012, was extremely misguided and incorrect. Her analysis of the two Republican candidates for endorsement was totally distorted compared to what really took place.

I also was a Steele County delegate to that 1st District convention in Mankato back on April 21 and barely survived the 23-ballot endorsing marathon.

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Mike Parry fits the definition of a politician perfectly. He’s loud, thinks the world of himself and proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he was the bully of the convention — not Quist. The big difference between the two candidates is that Quist is a statesman while Parry is just another politician, of which we already have way too many of both in St. Paul and Washington.

Allen Quist has forgotten more about Constitutional governing than Mike Parry will ever hope to learn. Those, like Parry, who yell and shout others down to try to impress the voters usually don’t know what they are talking about. The same goes for neophyte delegate Betty Quiring. And, as the old saying goes, “Birds of a feather, flock together.”


Bob Nesbit
