Published 9:47 am Thursday, June 7, 2012
Freeborn County
District Court
April 25
Cassandra Denise Edwards, 38, 6481 Lower 35th St. N., Oakdale. Count 1: DAS. Fined $180. Count 2: No proof of insurance. Fined $100.
Rachelle Lyn Mullholland, 25, 1611 Margaretha Ave., Albert lea. Speeding. Fined $130.
Svorez Voldes Noel, 42, 460 N.W. 36th Place Apt. 6, Miami, Fla. Fail to retain previous seven days log. Fined $180.
Brian Patrick Sparks, 33, 301 Clark St., Dysart, Iowa. No record of duty status. Fined $180.
April 26
Brohdy Hillis Avery, 23, 611 Ulstad Ave., Albert Lea. Disorderly conduct. Fined $180.
Daniel Lee Balfe, 34, 1322 Dunham St., Albert Lea. DWI. Sentenced 60 days jail stayed 60 days for two years and two years supervised probation. Fined $605.
Ramon Paul DeBoer, 18, 207 Will-O-Bruce Drive, Albert Lea. Careless driving. Fined $180.
Joshua Maurice Flattum, 21, 610 E. Hawthorne, Albert Lea. Count 1: Possession of drug paraphernalia (dismissed). Count 2: Conviction for possessing/selling small amount of marijuana. Fined $280.
Donna Mae Haukoos, 47, 224 1st Ave. N., Albert Lea. DWI. Sentenced 60 days jail stayed 60 days for two years, two years supervised probation and 62 hours community work service. Fined $105.
Ivan Michel Ortega-Garcia, 23, 1005 1/2 S. Broadway, Albert Lea. Driving without a valid license. Fined $180.
Edward Clarence Hubley, 60, 420 8th St. S., New Ulm. Speeding. Fined $130.
April 27
Simon Masias Caballero Jr., 25, 210 1/2 N. State No. 3, Waseca. Driving without a valid license. Fined $180. Count 2: No proof of insurance. Fined $200.
Daniel Louis Christy, 21, 10743 Zenith Ave. S., Bloomington. Failure to drive in single lane. Fined $130.
Richard Lee Streat, 47, 19745 Keystone Drive, Garnavillo, Iowa. No log book. Fined $180.
Robert Loren Tibbetts, 42, W10135 County Road P, Plainfield, Wis. Count 1: No annual inspection. Fined $180. Count 2: Trip permit, Fined $40.
April 28
Brian William Hamilton, 23, 4394 Gibson St., St. Louis, Mo. Speeding. Fined $140.
April 29
Alejandro Garcia Martinez, 36, 244 4th Ave. N.W., Wells. Driving without a valid license. Fined $180.
April 30
Vicki Lynn Schultz, 45, 1020 Newton Ave., Albert Lea. Count 1: Dogs running at large. Fined $280. Count 2: Unlicensed dog. No sentence pronounced.
Brenda Acenet Sanchez, 41, 517 E. 4th St. Apt. 1, Albert Lea. Count 1: Fail to deliver title. Fined $210. Count 2: Vehicle registration required. No sentence pronounced.
May 1
Rodolfo Roel Sanchez, 20, 307 1/2 Court St., Albert Lea. Under 21 liquor consumption. Fined $180.
Kevin Guy Reed, 50, 1614 Portland Ave., Albert Lea. Speeding. Fined $140.
Brittany Gail Becker, 26, 6112 47th Ave. S.E., Streeter, N.D. Speeding. Fined $130.
David Mark Coffee, 31, 2242 Kodiak Drive, North Mankato, Speeding. Fined $140.
Jared Alan Eilertson, 19, 2857 550th Ave., Kiester. Annual inspection of commercial motor vehicle. Fined $180.
Keith Allen Volkman, 56, 50977 147th Ave., Waterville. Counts 1 and 2: DWI (count 1 dismissed). Sentenced 180 days jail stayed 150 days for four years. Fined $1,005.
May 2
Ruth Ann Breuer, 57, 1814 Sunset St., Albert Lea. Count 1: Expiration of drivers license. Fined $180. Count 2: No proof of insurance (dismissed).
Molly Jean Easley, 28, 101 9th Ave. N., Albert Lea. Count 1: Dog at large. Fined $180. Count 2: Dog at large. Fined $100. Count 3: Unlicensed dog. Fined $100. Count 4: Unlicensed dog. Fined $100.
Nicholas James Laite, 20, 30032 540th Ave., Austin. 4th degree criminal sex conduct. Sentenced 18 months corrections, 10 years supervised probation and 180 days jail stayed zero days.
The Tribune publishes all convictions that result in $125 or more in fines, jail time or both.