Council votes to treat Fountain Lake

Published 9:23 am Tuesday, June 12, 2012

For the first time in at least three years, the Albert Lea City Council on Monday voted to chemically treat Fountain Lake for excessive algae.

The treatment, using copper sulfate, will reduce the lake’s green hue — at least temporarily.

The vote came in what was a split vote, with councilors John Schulte V, Larry Baker, Ellen Kehr and Mayor Vern Rasmussen voting in favor.

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Voting against were councilors Al “Minnow” Brooks, Larry Anderson and Reid Olson.

Discussion about the lake surfaces each year, especially as the Fourth of July holiday approaches and visitors from out of town come to the city.

City Manager Chad Adams said city staff members have been looking at different pros and cons of the treatment, a naturally occurring inorganic salt, and will continue researching its effects.

He also wanted to emphasize staff will use some of the city’s existing chemical left over from a prior treatment.

The question of whether to treat Fountain Lake for excessive algae has been the center of much controversy in recent years. The issue comes up each year around Independence Day.

The lake is experiencing particularly higher levels of algae concentration this year because of the warmer spring and low rain levels.