Editorial: Thumbs

Published 6:14 am Sunday, July 8, 2012

Editorial: Thumbs

To the closing of the grocery store in Kiester.

In Kiester, people can buy the Courier-Sentinel for 75 cents, but they can’t purchase a gallon of milk. The Store, the name of the city’s grocery store, closed on the last Saturday in June, and town officials are working hard at finding a way to reopen or replace it. Otherwise, to buy milk and food, people in Kiester have to drive 16 miles to Wells, 17 miles to Lake Mills, 28 miles to Albert Lea or 30 miles to Blue Earth.

After several failed referendums in the United South Central School District, Kiester lost its school in 2006. The economic fallout of losing its school has been hard on the quaint community. There isn’t a convenience store, either, just a filling station. The shrinking business community sharply points out an economic reason to support schools. The district residents face a referendum next month on the consolidated school in Wells. We hope the various towns in the district can finally get along and do what’s right for kids and for the local economy.

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To town festivals and event organizers.

Boy, there sure was a lot to do this weekend. Hayward, Bricelyn, Northwood, New Richland and Albert Lea all had street dances on Saturday. There was the April Sorensen Memorial Half Marathon on Saturday morning. Albert Lea had a parade Tuesday. Northwood had a parade Wednesday. Bricelyn had a parade Saturday. New Richland has a parade today. And many of the cities also are holding sports contests, from runs to golf outings. Thanks to all the organizers, who worked hard to make the activities seem smooth, fun and orderly.


To semitrailers in parades.

Call it a pet peeve, but when a company decides to avoid building a float and instead just rolls a tractor-trailer down the street, it seems lazy and lacking in imagination. After all, the semitrailer looks like just a moving billboard. Boring! Often, the semitrailers aren’t even decorated with the parade theme. Parades are about people and spectacles. At least get a flatbed trailer, decorate it a bit and put some people on it to smile and wave at the crowds.