USA can’t handle another GWB

Published 9:55 am Thursday, July 26, 2012

Can this country stand another George W. Bush? If you were happy with what the Bush administration did to this country, then vote for Mitt Romney. No other administration has hurt this country more than the George W. Bush administration.

We lost almost all of our allies when Bush was in office. Germany and France wanted nothing to do with invading Iraq. It cost us over 4,000 young American lives and over 20,000 young soldiers maimed for life to take out Saddam Hussein.   The Barack Obama administration took out bin Laden with zero casualties. It shows someone was thinking.

Romney wants to undo all the good Obama has accomplished and give the top 1 percent all the tax breaks George W. gave them.

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President Truman said it right: The Democrats work to help those that need help and the Republicans work to help those that don’t need help and then they call themselves the Christian right. Go figure.


Wayne Thorson

Albert Lea