Minn. issues 2012 waterfowl hunting regulations
Published 9:00 am Thursday, August 23, 2012
ST. PAUL (AP) — The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has issued its annual handbook of waterfowl regulations for the upcoming hunting season.
The regular waterfowl season opens statewide on Sept. 22, the earliest since 1945. The DNR says one reason is that mallard numbers are well above the long-term averages, and at their second-highest totals since 1992.
The limit on scaup has been raised to four per day because the breeding population across the continent is at its highest since 1991.
An early goose season will be held Sept. 1-21 The annual Youth Waterfowl Day will be held earlier than usual, on Sept. 8.
Shooting hours open one half-hour before sunrise and run until 4 p.m. through Oct. 6, then until sunset.