Murray’s record stands on its own

Published 10:34 am Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Last week the liberal group, Alliance for a Better Minnesota, held a “press conference” in Albert Lea attacking Rep. Rich Murray’s vote on the homestead market value tax credit.

Curiously, several things were left out. Murray increased property tax relief by nearly $30 million for middle-class homeowners. He voted to shield a portion of each homestead’s value from property tax — in fact 32 percent of homeowners saw a decline in property taxes this year. Homeowner property taxes are projected to decline next year as well due to legislation supported by our Rep. Rich Murray.

Murray was also a staunch supporter of job creation the past two years. He voted to keep jobs in southern Minnesota by reducing property taxes on Main Street businesses. Murray supported, and voted for, legislation making it easier for veterans to obtain employment — just one way to say thank you to them for defending our freedom. He consistently opposed tax proposals, which would have resulted in reduced wages, lost jobs and higher prices for consumers throughout Minnesota.

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On top of all this, the budget Murray supported turned a $6.2 billion deficit into a $1.2 billion surplus — which is growing by the day. Any look at Murray’s record that leaves these things off is dishonest and insincere, His record speaks for itself: lower taxes, higher employment and a lower deficit. Let’s return him to St. Paul to keep up the good work.


Sharon Blair

Albert Lea