Thanks to A.L. for cat search

Published 9:55 am Thursday, August 16, 2012

Last Aug. 6 I stopped in Albert Lea at the Countryside Inn Motel for the night. Somehow my dear, bright-yellow-eyed black cat escaped from my room. I did not discover that she was gone until early the next Tuesday morning. Over the next two days I got to know your town pretty well, the town and the people.

Everyone who I spoke to about my lost cat was so sensitive to my feelings and tried to comfort me. There were so many helpful people who gave me assistance. I want to especially thank Dave at Honda who set the live trap to catch my kitty, and all the other guys there who tried to assure me that I would find Sable.

Thanks to the ladies at the motel who tried to console me with kind words and hugs, and all of the businesses in the area who displayed my flier. We did find two black cats through these endeavors, but not my black cat. Thanks to KATE for broadcasting the loss notice and the Tribune for putting in my nice ad. I want to thank the volunteers at the Humane Society who put the info on Facebook and also consoled me in my loss.

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All of these wonderful people of Albert Lea tried to help a traveling stranger. I just wish it had all paid off, and I would have found my kitty.

Sable is a black Burmese 5 1/2-year-old female cat. Her fur has a brown cast to it — sable-colored.  She has bright yellow eyes and weighs about 10 pounds. She has been spayed and has spay sway on her abdomen. She has one breast that is more pronounced since she had a hernia removed there. She is all black with some white on her belly and some very faint white hairs on her chest. She has no white spots.

She is very vocal and talks and makes noises all the time. She loves to rub around your legs and follow you. She answers to “kitty-kitty” and comes when you shake her food in her bowl. She is afraid of thunder and loud noises and does not like to be picked up, but enjoys lying in your lap. Fortunately she has had all her shots. Since she is a Texas cat, she is not used to the cold. I hope that someone finds her and takes care of her. I am in Wisconsin for a while and will come to get her if she is found.  Please contact the Humane Society for my information. Once again thank you to all the wonderful people of Albert Lea. You have a very friendly and compassionate town.


Madalyn Yezdauski

San Antonio