Where is the real “war on women?”

Published 10:10 am Monday, August 27, 2012

The culture of death is alive and well in the United States.  Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius recently testified before a House panel in which she made the case that by preventing babies from being born, employers and insurers will be compensated for the cost of complying with the new HHS mandate.  The mandate requires all health care plans (including faith-based hospitals, schools and charitable organizations) to cover sterilizations, abortion-inducing drugs and contraceptives.

Incredibly, on the same day that I heard of this absurdity, ABC News reported that the low birthrate that we are now experiencing in the U.S. could have dire consequences for our future. As our population ages, we will not have enough younger workers to replace those who retire, thus putting an enormous strain on our social services.

We keep hearing from the current president about the Republicans’ “war on women.”  Since a little more than half of all babies born are girls, my question is: who are truly the perpetrators of the war on women? Barack Obama and the Democratic Party have taken an unequivicol stand on their support for abortion at any time for any reason. As a state senator from Illinois, Obama even supported a law that would strip a baby who survived a botched abortion of the right to live. And we are being told that the clear majority of Americans who do not support abortion on demand are the “extremists?”

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This is where the real “war on women” (and men) truly lies. My thanks goes out to the pro-life Democrats who tried unsuccessfully to change their party’s extremist position on abortion. They are heroes in my book!


Scott Bute
