Bills, Quist are honest politicians
Published 8:58 am Monday, September 3, 2012
Once again, we are faced with a choice this fall as we attempt to elect individuals that will be true to our ideals and represent us. I think most of us would probably agree on basic values such as the importance of family. How then do we end up with government that increasingly undermines those very things?
One reason is that we’ve allowed politicians, media and party affiliations to hoodwink us into trusting them. How many of you, for instance, knew that under the new health care law a couple making $30,000 per year will be forced to pay $10,425 more if they are married than if they are living together unmarried! Is it so difficult to see the assault on marriage and family? Yet Tim Walz and Amy Klobuchar, who claim to share our values, both voted in favor of this!
This is not an isolated incident with these two politicians. They put on their “Minnesota nice” when they’re back home and hope we’re ignorant enough to send them back to Washington again. We need to come together, not as Republicans or Democrats, but as Minnesotans and say enough is enough.
Fortunately we have honest individuals who really do value our ideals. Kurt Bills (Senate candidate) and Allen Quist (House candidate) need our votes if we hope to reclaim and protect the values we hold dear.
Jason Jacobusse
Clarks Grove