Group prepares for wild game feed
Published 9:56 am Thursday, September 13, 2012
GENEVA — The Geneva Wild Game Feed may still be three months away, but organizers are already busy planning for the event, which benefits the Geneva Cancer Auction.
Steve Bailey, one of several organizers, said the group has started getting in a bunch of game, and they are starting to prepare for the gun raffle.
This year, in its 28th year, the Geneva Wild Game Feed will be Dec. 1. The event is traditionally held the first Saturday in December.
The event will feature everything from elk and venison to bear, turkey, pheasant, pigeon, dove, fish, alligator, frog legs and even llama.
On average, the event feeds about 900 people and raises about $16,000 to $17,000. Bailey said the event is family-oriented, and many of the meats are mixed into casseroles or some kind of other dish.
Most years they also have a taco bar, depending on what kinds of meat is donated.
Organizers begin cooking the Monday before the event, and the food is served mostly buffet style.
He encouraged people to come out and see it, especially if they have never attended in the past. People will get the chance to eat foods they have never tasted before.
There are usually at least 50 guns at the raffle, and other items are usually donated as well.
If people have something they want to donate or are interested in attending, they can contact the Geneva Bar & Grill at 256-7278.
Proceeds from the Geneva Cancer Auction, held a few weeks later, goes through the Albert Lea Eagles to the Eagles Cancer Telethon based out of Rochester.