You Can Help

Published 9:00 am Saturday, September 1, 2012

These are some of the volunteer opportunities currently open in Freeborn County. If you can help with any of them or would like to volunteer for others, call Pat Stumme, Retired and Senior Volunteer Program director, at Senior Resources, 377-7433.

Victim assistance training: As a trained member of the Freeborn County Crisis Response Team you can help area residents who have faced a crime. The training series of full-day Saturday and Monday evening sessions runs Sept. 15 through Oct. 8. To get an application form and apply now, call Dottie Honsey at 377-5463 to help distressed neighbors, because, you can help.

Concerns in Freeborn County: Please help Senior Resources, The United Way of Freeborn County, Albert Lea-Freeborn County Chamber of Commerce and RSVP to know about your top concerns for our area. You can go online to to  complete the 12-minute survey or call 377-7433 to request your copy by mail.

Email newsletter signup

Assist with grocery boxes: The Albert Lea Salvation Army has need of a person who can help carry grocery boxes up stairs and out to the recipient’s car. This once-a-month task is during the first week of the month. Please call Stumme at Senior Resources 377-7433 to help.

First aid kits: These first aids kits, a fundraiser for RSVP, are available still at ACE Hardware in Albert Lea.

RSVP, a program of Senior Resources of Freeborn County, receives some funding through the United Way of Freeborn County, the Minnesota Board on Aging and the Corporation for National and Community Service.