Editorial: Employ caution while traveling

Published 8:25 am Friday, November 29, 2013

During this shopping season and holiday time, families pack into the automobile and go from store to store and to visit families. It happens during fairly crummy weather, too. To ensure a safe trip, motorists need to be prepared and stay alert.

Motorists are reminded to take extra precautions on the highways. The increased number of motorists also requires more patience and caution.

Taking time to prepare before you leave the driveway is the most effective way to avoid trouble.

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• Check your vehicle’s fluids and tire pressure. Tires are your only contact with the road. Without good tires that are properly inflated, your vehicle won’t accelerate, brake or steer properly.

• Don’t drink and drive. Alcohol is cited as a factor in one out of every three fatal crashes.

• Make sure children are properly fastened in belts or child safety restraints in the back seat every time they ride in a car. Children age 12 and under should always ride in the back seat, especially in vehicles with air bags.

• Allow enough travel time for frequent breaks on longer trips. Drowsy and inattentive drivers are an increasing problem in our fast-paced society.

Making sure kids are busy goes a long way in keeping peace of mind on the road. If your child needs attention, pull over. Don’t let handling your child’s needs distract you from safe driving.

Please use caution on the road so you’ll be around to celebrate the season for many more years to come.