Republicans are hard-working types

Published 10:29 am Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Republican Party: hard-working people. They take care of themselves and their family. They try to better their lives, work hard for what they get and are not afraid of hard work. Many people are Republicans and they do not know it.

Do you work hard and try to improve your life? Do you feel pride in what you accomplish? Do you want to keep what you earn? Every party has core beliefs. It is not based on your tax bracket, race or sex — it is based on your core beliefs. Hard-working, family-oriented, God-fearing people. Hispanic, Asian, African-American and European-American, the Republican Party has no room for prejudice.

Take a look at your core beliefs! Are you not a Republican? Would you rather work than collect assistance? Everyone may need help at some point in their lives, but it should not be a career choice. We need leaders in office who are willing to stand up for the people and get jobs in rural Minnesota. Leaders who will work at creating jobs — good jobs with good wages. We need those jobs in rural Minnesota. I have a plan to promote this.

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Milan Hart

Republican candidate

House District 27A

Albert Lea