12-year-old cited for damage and other reports

Published 10:00 am Thursday, November 6, 2014

12-year-old cited for damage

A 12-year-old boy was cited for criminal damage to property at 6:44 p.m. Tuesday after the Freeborn County Sheriff’s Office received a report that the boy was damaging property and starting to swing at staff at the Hayward Group Home, 80880 Freeborn County Road 46.


Man reportedly assaulted

The Freeborn County Sheriff’s Office received a report at 2:14 a.m. Wednesday that a man had been assaulted by two males wearing masks at 510 First Ave. S.E. in Glenville before leaving the scene. There was a suspect in the case, and it is unclear if anyone has been arrested.


Items reported stolen

A watch was reported stolen at 5:47 p.m. Tuesday from 918 Valley Ave.

A TV was reported stolen from a hotel room at 10:06 a.m. Wednesday at 2214 E. Main St.

Items were reported stolen at 3:43 p.m. Wednesday from 218 S. Washington Ave.

A UPS package containing a $600 cellphone was reported stolen at 3:48 p.m. Wednesday from outside of 1609 Bridge Ave.


Man cited for domestic assault 

Albert Lea police arrested Cody Shawn Rhyns for domestic assault at 8:37 p.m. Tuesday at 1030 S. Broadway.


Woman cited for shoplifting

Albert Lea police cited Haley Louise Peterson for shoplifting at 4:39 p.m. Wednesday from 2610 Bridge Ave.


Guns stolen from residence 

Albert Lea police received a report at 5:36 p.m. Wednesday that a Remington shotgun, a  Winchester rifle and a camouflage bag were reported stolen from 2328 Gene Ave.


Vehicle broken into

A vehicle was reported broken into at 8:43 p.m. Wednesday at 514 E. Seventh St. A stereo and cellphone were taken.