Editorial: Let sunshine into government

Published 9:51 am Monday, March 16, 2015


We at the Tribune join our voices with hundreds of other newspapers and organizations across the country this week to celebrate the importance of open government and freedom of information.

Called Sunshine Week, the week promotes dialogue about access to public information nationwide.

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First launched by the American Society of Newspaper Editors in 2005, Sunshine Week is celebrated mid-March each year to coincide with James Madison’s birthday on March 16.

Though the week was created by journalists, it is something that affects every member of the public. What are our governments doing and why? When we know this information it can enlighten and empower us all.

This week and all year long, we encourage the public to get involved in local government in whatever way possible. Whether it’s speaking out about an issue you feel strongly about or joining a board or commission, you can make a difference.

We encourage government officials at every level — whether it be national, state, county, city, school district or watershed district — to practice transparency in their everyday actions. You owe it to those you serve.

Let the sunshine in.