Editorial: Send us your photographs

Published 9:30 am Monday, December 7, 2015


Each week in the Tribune, we ask you, our readers, to submit photos you have taken for a chance to win our weekly photo contest.

We have received all sorts of photos through the years, whether it’s pictures of animals, vacation scenery, sunsets — you name it, we’ve probably received it.

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We encourage you to continue to submit these photos, as it is a good chance to showcase your best work both online and in print.

Though not every photo submitted makes it into the paper, we do sometimes have to hold over submissions to a second or third week when submissions are low.

To submit a photo, follow these simple instructions:

• Submit up to two photos with captions that you took by Thursday each week.

• Send them to colleen.harrison@albertleatribune.com, mail them in or drop off a print at the Tribune office.

The winner is printed in the Albert Lea Tribune and AlbertLeaTribune.com each Sunday.

If you have questions, call Colleen Harrison at 379-3436.