The time has come to protect yourself

Published 2:27 pm Saturday, December 26, 2015

As compassionate citizens of this country we must do everything possible to include and support moderate Muslims in our communities. If by our actions we alienate, then it will advance radical goals.

I can’t support sending ground troops into the Middle East, but would take every action possible to isolate and cut off funding to all radical groups. If that means freezing bank accounts, bombing infrastructure, oil wells, pipelines, even air and naval blockades, so be it.

Islam has been at war with itself for centuries. We should have learned long ago that picking sides only serves as a requiting tool for other factions. Muslim radicals are very patient; they have been building their base for years. They are waiting quietly among us.

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Because of Obama and Hillary’s bungling of the troop withdrawal from Iraq, we (America) unwittingly supplied modern weapons to ISIS. It was Obama’s ignorance and arrogance that led to the rise and success of ISIS. If the rise of ISIS had been Obama’s goal, he was wildly successful.

I would revoke the agreement with Iran and reinstate sanctions. I would place harsh sanctions on all countries that condone or support terrorism. I would extend those sanctions to any country that does not support sanctions.

I would maximize our oil production. Make sweetheart deals to sell Europe natural gas and oil at low prices, even if that means subsidizing the oil industry in this country for a time. We must break Saudi Arabia’s choke hold on oil, and their behind-the-scenes support of terrorism.

There will be more, bigger and bloodier attacks. By limiting the access of terrorists to this country we will be able to prevent some. However, with the use of the Internet as a recruitment tool, we will see attacks from American-born radicals in this country for years, if not decades to come. This war will be fought on American soil. Civilian terror is their goal and, yes, there will be false alarms. These could come from two sources: crack pots among us and test runs to see how we react.

I strongly suggest everyone get a gun. Learn how to use it, and get a permit to carry it. The time is coming when your very life may depend on your ability to protect yourself. Join the NRA. Have you ever heard of an NRA member involved in a gun crime? For the first 60 years of my life I was anti-gun. I was wrong.

If we, the people, do not rise up and demand change, we will deserve what is coming. The longer we wait, the bloodier the battle will be. I do not think the American people are stupid. We are simply too trusting. We believed our leaders would keep us safe at all costs. We were wrong.

I am not a far right gun-waving zealot, but a very average citizen. I will travel where and when I choose, but will be far more vigilant.

I am very tired of political correctness. I don’t care if I step on some toes.

I choose not to live my life in fear.


Don Sorensen

Albert Lea