Elect leaders who do not use positions for wealth
Published 9:53 am Tuesday, March 8, 2016
My Point of View by Jerrold Dettle
Political crooks everywhere! The volcanic increase of greed in governmental circles and the selfish propriety of lobbyists are engulfing the nation in a tsunami of dishonesty and a giant wave of destruction. The demons have stolen the future from the millennial generation, stifled the economic hope for the X-Generation and made the casket a more attractive destiny for some American boomers. A decline in economic health and a sharp increase in political corruption began during the Vietnam War. Here is a diminutive list of the many players who have subtly led Americans towards a weaker and unstable America.
LBJ maintained a long and suspicious relationship with the Halliburton Corp., but it was only one of many that reportedly made him very wealthy. In fact, many accuse him of going from a poor rural politician to being the third wealthiest president of all 44, due to benefiting from large Texas defense contracts during the long-lasting Vietnam War.
William J. Clinton began a life of impoverishment in Hope, Arkansas, before entering politics. Last year, it was reported in a respected publication that he and his family have exceeded $130 million in wealth. Could it be that the many “quid pro quo” accusations about the use of American foreign aid to many foreign nations like Nigeria be true?
After the financial disaster of 2008, many eyebrows have been raised because no criminal charges have been filed by the Justice Department against the Wall Street banks. This is especially alarming since it has been recorded that many campaign dollars have been forwarded by the banks involved in the scandal to the politicians that held oversight responsibility.
Shockingly, current campaign and fundraising laws are ridiculously weak and misdirected. Here is an example: Fundraising laws forbid the politicians from soliciting within the U.S. Capitol while congress is in session. Unbelievably, a cottage industry has arisen that caters to politicians who skip out of sessions. They leave the area in great numbers for fundraising meetings with lobbyists, to place soliciting calls and to raise funds by the thousands, even in non-election years.
Many current politicians may avoid taking bribes. They simply use extortion to take funds from mostly willing lobbyists. It would be naïve to believe this exchange of campaign funds is completed without a verbal agreement to return a favorable vote or votes to the lobbyist. Some very powerful politicians have been accused of using government agencies like the IRS and the EPA to bully lobbyists into cooperation or face the wrath of an agency. In recent years, the head of the IRS claimed the rights of the Fifth Amendment to seemingly avoid such accusations.
Adding to the desperate fundraising is the pressure by party leaders to force members to give party dues to them. Apparently, both parties force compliance with the threats of denying a member a seat on any committee. The pressure increases when a member might specifically desire to be seated on a particular committee, such as, agriculture.
Our nation seems now to be following the same path to failure that many others have taken towards socialism. Here is a look at just one nation that is currently moving ahead of us down this popular but destructive path. Venezuela is a large nation with the world’s largest wealth of oil reserves. In the last 20 years it has been sliding toward being a socialist nation while neglecting such vital needs as training quality workers in the workforce. Selfish political leaders in order to buy votes and political power have nationalized almost all industry. This nationalization of business and private property has created a central government with tyrannical intentions and the weapons to control citizens with democratic hopes. The destruction of capitalism has created the harsh rationing of almost all goods and products, including food, tires and even toilet paper.
A major change in the direction of our nation can only happen this year if we join together and go to the polls — a journey filled with the intent to elect politicians devoted to serving and returning to the people.
Can we elect leaders this time who do not use a political position for personal power or private wealth?
Jerrold Dettle is a member of the Freeborn County Republican Party.