Court Dispositions, May 19, 2016

Published 10:31 am Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Freeborn County

District Court 


May 19

Christopher Wayne Conley, 23, 635 E. Seventh St. Count 1: Driver must carry proof of insurance when operating vehicle. Six months unsupervised monitoring without conviction. Charge to be dismissed upon completion of sentence.

Salim Hassian Counts, 41, 919 W. Front St. Apt. 1. Count 1: Driving after revocation. Fees $280.

Julie Marie Cramer, 56, 707 Water St. Count 1: Traffic regulation – physically disabled – alter parking privilege certificate. Six months unsupervised monitoring without conviction. Charge to be dismissed upon completion of sentence. Fees $50.

Levi Troy Dahl, 21, 77089 135th St., Glenville. Count 1: Theft – take/use/transfer movable property without consent. Sentenced to 60 days. Credit for time served 42 days. Fees $80.

Leonel Grande Evangelista, 28, 2325 Clayton Ave. Count 1: Give peace officer a false name/birthdate/ID card. Dismissed. Count 2: Driving after revocation. Sentenced to 90 days. Stay 89 days for one year. Credit for time served one day. Unsupervised probation for one year. Fees $480. Count 3: Driver must carry proof of insurance when operating vehicle. Sentenced to 90 days. Stay 89 days for one year. Credit for time served one day. Unsupervised probation for one year. Fees $480. Count 4: Speeding 58/40. Dismissed.

Taylor James Haller, 20, 1704 Sunset St. Count 1: Driving after suspension. Fees $280.

Sandra Marie Jensen, 44, 503 Edgewood Ave. Count 1: Driving without a valid driver’s license. Fees $180.

Scott Alan Johnson, 56, 30163 685th Ave., Hartland. Count 1: DWI – alcohol concentration .08 or more within two hours. Sentenced to 365 days. Stay 362 days for four years. Credit for time served three days. Supervised probation for four days. Fees $1,005. Count 2: DWI. Dismissed. Count 3: Driving after revocation. Dismissed. Count 4: Open container. Dismissed.

Victor Ramos Lara, 20, 2400 Clayton Ave. Count 1: Driving after revocation. Fees $280. Count 2: Uninsured vehicle – owner violation. Fees $200. Count 3: Drugs – possess/sale a small amount of marijuana. Fees $50. Count 4: Drugs – Possession of drug paraphernalia. Fees $50.

Nelson Glen Thompson, 47, 500 W. Center St., Kiester. Count 1: Driving without a valid driver’s license. Sentenced to 10 days. Credit for time served four days. Fees $80. Count 2: Provide false information – give peace officer false name/birthdate/ID card. Sentenced to 10 days. Credit for time served 10 days. Count 3: Driver must carry proof of insurance when operating vehicle. Sentenced to 10 days. Credit for time served four days. Fees $80.

David Allen Villerreal, 33, 1034 Dunham. Count 1: Third-degree damage to property – reduce value $501 to $1,000. Sentenced to 365 days. Stay 365 days for two years. Supervised probation for two years. Fees including restitution $1,080.

Jason Lee Weitzel, 32, 1031 Virginia Place. Count 1: DWI. Dismissed. Count 2: DWI – alcohol concentration .08 or more within two hours. Sentenced to 180 days. Stay 180 days for two years. Supervised probation for two years. Fees $605.


The Tribune publishes all convictions where the financial obligation to the court is $180 or greater or resulted in jail time, probation or community service.