Court Disposition, June 10-June 16, 2016

Published 9:53 am Thursday, June 23, 2016

Freebron County

District Court 


June 10

Reed Anton Willett, 21, 1709 Sunset St. Count 1: Uninsured vehicle – owner violation. Fees $280.

Parket James Bartholomew, 20, 7440 Blackhawk St. Apt 4 – 105, Englewood, Colorado. Count 1: Underage consumption. Fees $180.

Jessa Christine Blom, 20, 705 12th St. NE, Austin. Count 1: Underage consumption. Fees $180.

James William Radke, 71, 323 Main St., Manchester. Count 1: Driving after revocation. Fees $280.

Amy Sue Olson, 45, 601 Oak Lane. Count 1: Domestic assault – commits act with intent to cause fear of immediate bodily harm or death. Six months unsupervised monitoring without conviction. Charge to be dismissed upon completion of sentence.


June 13

Steve Allen Cole, 34, 38 Third St., Twin Lakes. Count 1: Driving after revocation. Community service for 30 hours for six months. Unsupervised probation for six months. Fees $80.

Emir Herrera Ramirez, 31, 909 Sixth Ave. NE, Austin. Count 1: Driving without a valid driver’s license. Fees $180. Count 2: Speeding 86/70. Fees $60.

Anthony P. Britton, 40, 630 Windham Way, McDonough, Georgia. Count 1: Vehicle registration – operate an unregistered vehicle/without plates displayed on public street or highway. Fees $180. Count 2: Speeding 87/70. Fees $60.


June 14

Albert Sidney Allen Jr., 45, 800 Fourth Ave. S. Count 1: DWI – operate a motor vehicle while under influence of alcohol. Dismissed. Count 2: DWI – alcohol concentration 0.08 or more within two hours. Sentenced to 64 days. Credit for time served 64 days. Fees $105.

Benjamin Alberto Padilla Jr., 25, 506 Water St. Count 1: Disorderly conduct. Sentenced to 21 days. Credit for time served 21 days. Fees $80.

Matthew James Rowand, 32, 4331 Fifth Ave. S, Minneapolis. Count 1: Fleeing a police officer in a motor vehicle. Dismissed. Count 2: Receiving stolen property. Dismissed. Count 3: Fleeing a police officer by means other than a motor vehicle. Sentenced to 90 days. Stay 78 days for one year. Credit for time served 12 days. Unsupervised probation for one year. Fees $180.

Laura Gonzales, 32, 4130 Black Canyon Highway. Count 1: No Minnesota driver’s license. Fees $180.

June 15

Roger Lee Anderson, 66, 1302 Madison Ave. Apt. 1. Count 1: Driving after revocation. Unsupervised monitoring without conviction for one year. Fees $75. Charge to be dismissed upon completion of sentence.

Patti Anne Behrens, 57, 1919 Wilby Road. Count 1: DWI – alcohol concentration .08 or more within two hours. Sentenced to 180 days. Stay 180 days for two years. Supervised probation for two years. Fees $1,005. Count 2: DWI. Dismissed. Count 3: Open container. Dismissed.

Anthony William Yost, 1114 Columbus Ave. Count 1: Dogs running at large. Fees $180.

Kathryn Emily Clapp-Pederson, 815 Minnesota Ave. Count 1: Driver must carry proof of insurance when operating a vehicle. Unsupervised monitoring without conviction for one year. Fees $75. Charge to be dismissed upon completion of sentence. Count 2: Seat belt required – driver and passenger must use. Fees $105.

Cedrianna J. Page, 18, 7287 B. Pickett Circle, Fort Louis McCord, Washington. Count 1: Speeding 107/70. Fees $380.

Long Ze Yang, 23, 417 Otsego St., Storm Lake, Iowa. Count 1: Speeding 80/70. Fees $120. Count 2: No Minnesota driver’s license. Fees $180.


June 16

Amanda Lynn Buchanan, 42, 701 Garfield Ave. Count 1: Driving after suspension. Fees $280.

Danika Joy Freeman, P.O. Box 66, Ceylon. Count 1: Driving without a valid driver’s license or vehicle class/type. Fees $180.

Jayson Perez Rivers, 32, 2628 W. Cermak Road, Chicago. Count 1: Driving without a valid driver’s license or vehicle class/type. Fees $180. Count 2: Speeding 42/30. Fees $50.

Jorge Sanchez-Ramirez, 34, 1923 Second Ave. NW, Austin. Count 1: Prostitution – patron – engage in with 18-year-old or older. Sentenced to 35 days. Credit for time served 35 days. Fees $180.

Emilio Suarez, 51, 6550 S.W. 159th Place, Miami. Count 1: Financial transaction card fraud – use without consent. Dismissed. Count 2: Financial transaction card fraud – receive or possess. Sentenced to 12 months and one day. Stay 12 months and 1 day for three years. Supervised probation for three years. Local confinement 109 days. Credit for time served 109 days. Fees $130.


The Tribune publishes all convictions where the financial obligation to the court is $180 or greater or resulted in jail time, probation or community service.