Guest Column: We can all choose to live our lives with civility

Published 9:00 am Sunday, September 18, 2016

Live United by Ann Austin

Ann Austin is the executive director of the United Way of Freeborn County.

I’ve been part of the local Choose Civility effort since it began, several years ago. Our mission is to encourage everyone in Freeborn County to choose respect, empathy and consideration at every opportunity. There are many partners, but the community-wide initiative is led by the Albert Lea Public Library and the Albert Lea Human Rights Commission.

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I have found the mission to be valuable for all of our efforts throughout the community, because it causes us to consider our thoughts and actions towards others on a regular basis. Though we inevitably encounter differences in each other, if our behavior is focused on compassion and respect, we can come to a place of understanding.

Ann Austin

Ann Austin

Our community has been going through many changes over the past several years — lately we have experienced growth with more young people and diverse groups moving here to work and live. This is exciting and wonderful! Yet there are barriers to overcome with how we can effectively communicate and understand each other.

I am very excited to welcome Bukata Hayes, president of the Greater Mankato Diversity Council, back to our community in October as part of Choose Civility Month! He presented last fall about diversity as an economic development conversation and helped open people’s eyes to how the growth we are experiencing is a trend many other communities are facing and is vital for our future.

Bukata will present from 2 to 4 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 13, at the Freeborn County Historical Museum. He will demonstrate how important it is for us to have common language and understand others’ perspectives if we want to have continued success and grow as a community.

There will be a community conversation following his presentation focused on how we can continue to build a more inclusive community.

Overall, there are 11 civility goals for Freeborn County:

1. Pay attention

2. Acknowledge others

3. Think the best of others

4. Listen

5. Be inclusive

6. Speak kindly

7. Respect others’ opinions

8. Apologize earnestly

9. Accept and give constructive criticism

10. Refrain from idle complaints

11. Respect the environment and be gentle to animals

Throughout the rest of this month and the month of October, I encourage you to think of these tenets and how they apply to your daily life. We serve as an example for the people around us — whether they are our children, friends, co-workers or people we meet on the street. If we truly want to live in a more civil society, we must look to ourselves and recognize how we can choose civility every day.

For more information about how you can participate, contact Peggy Havener, director of the Albert Lea Public Library, by email at or phone at 377-4355.

Events coming up:

Thursday, Oct. 6: Domestic violence awareness community candlelight vigil from 6 to 8 p.m. at New Denmark Park.

Saturday, Oct. 8: Blessing of the animals at 10 a.m. at Frank Hall Park.

Thursday, Oct. 13: Bukata Hayes from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Freeborn County Historical Museum; Community Conversation from 4 to 5 p.m.

Sunday, Oct. 16: R.A.D. Zoo at 2 p.m. at the Albert Lea Public Library

Saturday, Oct. 22: “A Downton Abbey Tea Party” at 2 p.m. at the Freeborn County Historical Museum.