Guest Column: Not one solution will address workforce issues
Published 9:43 am Monday, October 17, 2016
Guest Column by Roxanne Ponce
Roxanne Ponce is the human resources manager at Innovance Inc.
There is no doubt every manufacturer across the state is facing workforce challenges. I have attended many meetings and have participated in discussions regarding the skills gap and workforce challenges employers are facing today. We have learned there are multiple components to these challenges and there is no single solution to address the issue. It is our duty as community members to engage in these conversations and work together to find solutions that will build a pipeline of prospective workers in order to keep jobs within the communities.
Innovance Inc. has moved toward facing these challenges by joining community partners to tackle and address workforce challenges. Much of this has been through employees participating or speaking in school or community events and providing tours to local schools, parents, teachers and community groups. We have partnered with Albert Lea School District, Minnesota Department of Education, and Workforce Development in the implementation of the Minnesota Youth Apprenticeship Program. These are some initiatives taken to increase awareness and promote the manufacturing industry as a viable career choice.
Innovance has collaborated with South Central Community College and Riverland Community College to develop and engage our existing workforce by creating custom training programs to enhance technical skills. A succession plan has also been developed internally to develop and promote existing workforce. It is important for us to identify high performers and prepare them to become strong key employees or leaders.
Keeping jobs in our community is important to everyone, but manufacturers cannot do it alone. Creating a supply of workers with manufacturing skills such as engineering, skill trades and production will be critical to companies. We encourage the community to engage people through community, education and government entities to improve the perception of the manufacturing industry. Not one solution will address the challenges we face, but together, manufacturers, educational institutions, communities and government can provide a foundation to mitigate the issue over time.