Get a life and be productive
Published 10:59 am Thursday, November 17, 2016
Trump won the election fair and square. The protesters say he won by the uneducated and deplorables. Are these idiots being educated in college? I think not! How many of the rioters have voted or are working to help pay for their college, or are Mom and Dad working double shifts so their spoiled brats can do anything they want? They want more illegal immigrants to come to the USA, but who do they think is paying for them? Not you — but hardworking men and women, and they will probably take your job if you ever graduate.
I love this country more than anything.
When they burn our beautiful flag, they should go to jail or get out.
Maybe the immigrant would be better than you. You should go in the military — if they would have you — and experience what our great servicemen go through. Get a life and be productive.
Trump gave up his lifestyle to serve us. Have some respect!
Ruth Sander
Albert Lea