October book sale was a success

Published 9:40 am Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thank you to everybody who made the Friends of the Library fall book sale in October a success. We raised nearly $1,300 from sales of books and memberships. Together with Fountain Lake Bookstore sales, these funds help provide special programs and supplies at the Albert Lea Public Library.

We want to especially thank Janelle VanEngelenburg and her Sentence-to-Serve crew, the Albert Lea Fire Department and Engineering Department, Michelle Gurung and many Friends volunteers for their work in making this event happen. We are also grateful for generous book donations from area residents.

The next book sale will be in May. In the meantime, visit us at the Fountain Lake Bookstore in the basement of City Hall. Book donations can be dropped off in the blue bin at the bottom of the stairway.

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We are proud to live in a community that values literacy. Happy reading this winter!

Jennifer Vogt-Erickson

Albert Lea