
Published 9:00 am Sunday, November 27, 2016

Duplicate Bridge Club

Duplicate Bridge Club played six tables on Nov. 16 at the Austin Senior Center.

Winners were Dave Ring and Orrin Roisen, first; John Leisen and Harriet Oldenberg, second; Larry Crowe and Jim Fisher, and Eunice Michaelis and Warren Behrends tied for third and fourth; Loren Cleland and Bud Higgins, fifth; and Lorraine Quinlivan and Barb Rofshus, sixth.

Email newsletter signup

Players are from Adams, Albert Lea, Austin and Rose Creek. Game is open to everyone who loves the game of bridge, and play starts at noon.

Freeborn American Legion Auxiliary

The Freeborn American Legion Auxiliary met Nov. 19, at the Freeborn American Legion hall.

President Sandy Anderson called the meeting to order. The American flag pledge and the Auxiliary pledge were recited. Anderson also read a prayer.

The secretary and treasurer’s reports were read and approved. It was motioned and approved to donate to the Freeborn Area Hospice program.

Also motioned and approved was to give Anderson money for stamps.

Old business consisted of Anderson announcing that the Veterans Day cards had been sent, the tax return had been filed and that the group still had one member to renew her membership.

New business began with a discussion on how the community coffee time had gone that morning. It was decided to do it again next year. The starting time of 8:30 a.m. worked out well.

The next item of business was the events taking place on Dec. 4. This will start with Santa coming at 3 p.m., sponsored by the Freeborn American Legion, and during that time cookies and coffee will be served by the Auxiliary. Following Santa will be the hospice tree lighting ceremony, which will take place at approximately 4:30 p.m.. The pot luck and bingo party, sponsored by the Auxiliary, will conclude the evening. A letter has been received that the department president will attend the festivities.

The Auxiliary’s annual soup n’ pie will be Feb. 18 at the Freeborn Legion hall beginning at 4 p.m. Evelyn Neubauer will make the chili, and Val Seipp will make the vegetable beef and the turkey or chicken Noodle. Sonja Honstad will call members to donate pies and desserts.

Lela Peterson, who is in charge of the coffee shop, asked permission to purchase another thermos-like container for the coffee shop, as the current one leaks. A motion was made and seconded for Peterson to go ahead and purchase another one and then be reimbursed by the Auxiliary. The members would like to thank Peterson and the other volunteers who take care of the community event, which takes place Monday through Friday. Everyone is welcome to stop in for coffee, hot chocolate,  tea, pastries and conversation. The hours of operation are from 8 to 10 a.m. at the Freeborn community building.

Anderson announced that there will be no December meeting.

With no other business, the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be Jan. 7 or 14.

Grapevine Twist

The grapevine Twist Square Dance Club had a dance Nov. 12 at the Senior Center in Skyline Plaza. Wayne Kubicek was the caller and called to over two squares. A potluck was served after the dance. Servers for the evening were David Mutschler and Bonnie Williamson. The next dance was Nov. 26. Monte Guenzler was the caller and salads were served after the dance.