Red Cross calls for type O and AB blood donors

Published 2:23 pm Saturday, March 25, 2017

The American Red Cross is issuing a call for type O negative and AB blood donors to make an appointment to give after severe winter weather in some parts of the country caused about 250 Red Cross blood drives to be canceled in March, resulting in more than 8,500 uncollected blood donations.

According to a press release, type O negative blood and type AB plasma are two of the most in-demand blood products by hospitals. Those who give can help patients locally or across the country as the Red Cross has the ability to move blood products where and when they are needed most.

“All blood types are needed to meet the constant need of patients, and there is a significant need now for type O negative and AB donations to help some of the most vulnerable patients,” said Sue Thesenga, communications manager of North Central Red Cross Blood Services. “We ask that you schedule an appointment to roll up a sleeve to help save a life in the coming days.”

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Type O negative blood can be transfused to patients with any blood type and is often needed in emergency situations when there isn’t time to determine a patient’s blood type. While less than 7 percent of the U.S. population has type O negative blood, hospitals depend on frequent O negative donations to ensure it’s always available for patients in need. Type O negative blood donors are an important part of the Red Cross trauma team.

Type AB is the universal plasma type and can be transfused to patients of any blood type in an emergency. Plasma helps maintain blood pressure and supplies critical proteins for clotting and immunity. Plasma can be donated through a blood donation.

Eligible donors can learn more, find a donation opportunity and schedule an appointment by using the free blood donor app, visiting or calling 1-800-RED CROSS.