Across the Pastor’s Desk: Easter brings message of new life

Published 10:32 pm Thursday, April 13, 2017

Across the Pastor’s Desk by Don Rose

As you read this, Christians throughout the world are in the midst of celebrating the Triduum — the great three days of the faith — Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday, which often begins the festival services of the Easter celebration with the vigil of Easter. These three days are the very core of the Christian faith. There is some innate sense to the importance of these days, as people who might not otherwise regularly attend worship make every effort to worship at Easter.

Don Rose

On Maundy Thursday, many will hear the passage from the gospel according to St. John, in which Jesus washes the feet of his disciples and then gives them a new commandment that they love one another, even as he has loved them. Humility becomes the hallmark of the Savior. However, in his humble service, power is revealed that will break the bondage to sin and death into which humanity has fallen. As Jesus served, service becomes the way of life for those who have been moved by the Spirit to trust and believe. Such faith makes it possible for God’s people to risk themselves for peace and wholeness in the world, for an end to war and violence, an end to injustice and oppression. As Jesus sought out the forgotten and called them his own, followers of the Christ are called to the same ministry in every age.

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Good seems to be an odd title to give to the day in which Christ’s death is remembered by the faithful. Yet in the adoration of the cross God’s goodness is revealed as the Incarnate One takes on the sins of the world as his own that people might know the freedom that only God can bring into their lives. On this day there is a sense of solemn thankfulness for all that God has done for the sake of God’s children and the whole of creation.

The third day of the great three days begins the joyous celebration of the risen Lord. As Jesus is raised so believers share in that message of new life even now. The question for people of faith as they celebrate the great feast of Easter is where is the evidence of this resurrected life in them in their every day lives and experiences? Easter is not something removed by time and geography. Rather the message of new life is a word as much for today as for the last day. Christians have been transformed by the message of the Savior and the work of God’s spirit. It is that transformed life that brings renewal to the world.

Blessings to you as you live as well as celebrate the message of Easter for the sake of the world.

Don Rose is the pastor of Mansfield Lutheran Church in Alden and United Lutheran Church in Walters.